Creative Compass Highlights

Source of Voice & Style

  • A Self Paced Course

    The Creative Compass Course is a concise stand alone course and is completely self directed. This format gives artists the freedom to go at your own pace and really sink into the exercises provided to turn the earth of inspiration. You can watch the videos as often as you like whenever you like for a whole year starting the day of your purchase. Videos have a handy tool to speed up or slow down view & listen time.

  • Creative Compass Content

    The Creative Compass Course is made up of several modules divided per topic. You will find a video for each lesson and several downloadable documents. These exercise documents can be printed out & put in your Creative Compass Sketchbook or Journal or you can fill them out and place on your studio wall. All video content and documents have been created in my studio with my materials.

  • Art Materials & Supplies

    I believe in order to support an artist, it's important to meet them right where they are, right now. That's why I do not provide a material list. Lessons include materials that I use & that you probably own too. This course is designed to get you started with what you have and move you forward, right now. If you see art materials or supplies that I share that you'd like, treat yourself, give it a try and enjoy!

Creative Compass Course Menu

    1. M1 Introduction to Creative Compass

    2. M1-L1 Your Source

    3. M1-L2 Being An Artist

    4. M1-L3 Levels to Sourcing Voice & Style

    5. M1-L4 Circle Back For Correlations

    6. M1-L5 Looking To The Past

    7. M1-L6 Searching for Correlations

    1. M2-L1 Journey of Interests

    2. M2-L2 Distillation Process

    3. M2-L3 Reviewing Favourite Supplies

    1. M3-L1 Explore Your Work For Hints

    2. M3-L2 Invitation To Get Your Hands Dirty

    3. M3-L3 Notice Correlations - Sketchbook Search

    4. M3-L4 Explore Lines With Your Favourite Mark-Making Supplies

    5. M3-L5 Line Making Exploration - Watch For What Resonates

    6. M3-L6 Deepen Mark-Making Awareness - Explore & Question

    7. M3-L7 Observing Lines of Other Artists' Work - Make Deductions

    1. M4-L1 How We Use Shapes

    2. M4-L2 Reviewing and Identifying Shape Qualities

    3. M4-L3 Different Stages of Style Development & The Use of Shape

    4. M4-L4 Shape Search Assignment

    5. M4-L5 Observing Shapes of Other Artists' Work - Make Deductions

    6. M4-L6 Shape Exploration via Collage

    7. M4-L7 Shape Exploration Collage Extra

    8. M4-L8 Ideas on Approaching Shape Exploration

    1. M5-L1 Your Approach To Your Art

    2. M5-L2 Your Approach To Your Art & Development - Check List

    3. M5-L3 Approach Investigations

    1. M6-L1 Colour - How is it important to you in your work?

    2. M6-L2 Colour Discovery Tips

    3. M6-L3 Digging Into Colour

    4. M6-L4 Colour Development

About this course

  • $350.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Love that she loved it! An unsolicited testimonial from Jen


  • Would this course be good for me?

    Creative Compass was designed to assist artists who are questioning or revisiting their artistic approach, voice, style, and direction in their art. The course targets several avenues to explore to help develop more clarity for your creative journey.

  • How is the Creative Compass Course run?

    Creative Compass is a self directed and self paced course. Once you purchase the course you have access to it's entirety. While it's designed in an order built off of previous lessons, you can still cherry pick what you'd like to review. Of course it's recommended to engage in the content in the order it's been delivered.

  • Do I need special supplies?

    I believe in order to assist artists on their journey it's important to offer support from where they are right now. I do not offer a supply list but rather ask you to use what you have and expand your curiosity in what you do with what you have. You can always add more fun materials to your repertoire. However to gain the benefits of this course, you can start right where you are and with what you have.

  • Are the Creative Compass lessons live?

    The content of the Creative Compass Course is mainly delivered through conveniently accessible recorded videos. There are downloadables for you to utilize in your CCC journey as well. All videos can be watched as often as you like any time you wish. There are no live sessions.

  • Do I have access to you?

    Creative Compass has been created as a stand alone course so artists can go at their own pace, take as long as they wish and work independently. There are no live or Q&A sessions available.

  • What if I change my mind about taking the course?

    Since the entire Creative Compass Course content is immediately accessible to the artist purchasing the course and there is no limit to the rate of consumption, a refund is unfortunately not an option being offered.

  • How long do I have access to this course?

    The Creative Compass Course is available to you for an entire year starting from the day of your purchase. Review the content as often as you need. I encourage redoing the exercises too, as we are always changing & evolving!

Creative Compass Course - Source of Voice & Style

Dig more deeply into your art practice, starting here.