2025 Intuitive Composition Course
CourseIntuition and Intellect: Learn to get these two key aspects in art to intermingle.
ICMe Mentorship
CourseThe ICC | ICMe Library is chockablock full of illuminating content for ICC grads. This Mentorship is an exclusive & private space for artists wanting to creatively thrive.
$59 / month
Focus: Fine-Tuned-Art or A-La-Carte
CourseDo any of these resonate? Your work or work practice feels scattered, inconsistent, all over the place, you try lots of things, you’re not finishing pieces, you often feel lost, unsure of your intentions? Then this is for you.
Log-In Problems? Start Here
CourseIf you are having problems logging into a course you are using in PJA Art Nutrition - this is the place for you to start your problem solving.
Abstraction of the Landscape - Approaches To Your Inspiration
CourseAbstracting the Landscape and beyond - Take your inspiration a step further and a level deeper with these approaches and ideas.
Creative Compass Course - Source of Voice & Style
CourseThe focus of this course is on identifying your voice and style while enjoying the exercises and experiences designed to assist you in honing yours.