Course curriculum

    1. Lost & Found

    2. Things To Know About Copyright and Intellectual Property

    1. FOCUS: Fine-Tuned-Art or 'A-La-Carte

    1. Target What You Want To Improve

About this course

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

It's no fun feeling frazzled…

The course it short, to the point and offers great insight and tips to help you regain concentration, traction and innate self appreciation.

  • Enjoy using the convenient downloadable document and exercise area to customize your course experience.

  • Listen or watch the video and have the transcript if you prefer reading instead.

  • Come back to this course over and over again. Please use it as often as you need.

Feedback on FOCUS: Fine-Tuned-Art or 'A-La-Carte

Illuminating & Helpful

Artist R.S.

This is a wonderful bonus! I could identify with so much that was mentioned, and seeing it in print, with options on how to shift things is very much appreciated! We’re so fortunate to have this from you!

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